Global Academic Challenge certificates and awards


Every student who takes part in the Global Academic Challenge will receive a certificate celebrating their achievement. Students with outstanding achievement will also receive a medallion. Certificates are awarded based on how students perform compared to all Australian students who sat the challenge.

Schools will receive printed student certificates and a detailed student report to provide to parents/carers.


Award criteria

Each student who achieves the top result in each year’s learning area will receive a personalised medallion from ACER.
High Distinction with Honours
Students that achieve results in the top 2% will be awarded a High Distinction with Honours.
High Distinction
Students that achieve results within the top 10% will be awarded a High Distinction.
Students that achieve results within the top 25% will be awarded Distinction.
Students that achieve results within the top 50% will be awarded a Credit.
All other students will receive a certificate recognising their participation
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