Calculators and PAT Maths Adaptive

This article provides information about the use of calculators by students completing PAT Maths Adaptive.

Related article: Calculators and PAT Maths 4th Edition

Standard scientific calculators may be used by students if that is your school's standard practice for the year level.

Computer Algebra System (CAS) calculators should not be used on any PAT Maths tests.

In-test calculator tool


An in-test calculator tool is available for some items within PAT Maths Adaptive.

At the lower test levels, PAT Maths Adaptive items assess students’ abilities to perform simple mathematical operations without the use of a calculator.

For a select number of items at levels 4 to 6, an online calculator tool within the test can be used by students, if they choose. The mathematical processes involved in these questions can be completed without the use of a calculator, but students who already feel confident using a calculator may benefit from using one as it will enable them to concentrate on the more complex cognitive aspects of the question.

At upper levels, PAT Maths Adaptive assesses the application of more advanced and complex mathematical processes for which the use of a calculator is appropriate and may in fact be required. The online calculator tool is available for all questions at levels 7 to 10.

Standard scientific calculators may still be used for all levels.

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