Administering eWrite tasks

This article provides information on how to administer eWrite to your students.

The following topics are covered here:

Related article: Choosing the right eWrite tasks


The following steps need to be completed ahead of time:

  • Check the technical requirements and run the browser exam from a student device to identify any potential technical issues.
  • Schedule your testing date and time. It is best to administer tests in the morning and not immediately before or after an exciting school event.
  • Ensure that all students are listed within your school's online assessment account and have been assigned the necessary tests.
  • Review and assign appropriate test levels to all students according to their ability.
  • Download or print a list of your students' login details.
  • Make note of your school's online assessment login page, or make sure that the URL is saved on student devices, or available to your students as a link. The address will be similar to


eWrite is a standardised assessment and the recommended test time is 20–25 minutes, which is an optimal time period for such an assessment and in keeping with many other writing assessments conducted by ACER. It can be easily completed within one lesson.

Time must be managed by the teacher invigilating the assessment. Students will not be automatically timed out by the online system, nor are they prevented from navigating away from the assessment to other web pages.

Students should work independently and without distractions, so that their writing reflects their own best efforts. The teacher invigilating the assessment should monitor students as they work, including checking that students do not have other web pages or browser windows open.


  • Students will not be automatically locked out after the allowed time passes. You must monitor and manage the time, including accommodating toilet breaks or other interruptions that may occur.
  • Student responses are automatically saved every minute. Students can also click Save at any time.
  • If technical problems cause the need to postpone, students may close the browser without losing their progress.
  • iPads and tablet devices must be held in landscape orientation.

Students should not use the following characters:

  • emoticons (☺)
  • equals sign (=)
  • forward slash (/)
  • curly brackets ({})
  • tilde (~)
  • back-slanting apostrophe (`)
  • caret (^)
  • underscore (_)
  • cents sign (¢)

If these characters are included in student responses, you may encounter an error when downloading and opening the eWrite Group Report in Excel.

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