How do I assign the right PAT tests to my students?

This article includes guidance on the following topics:

Client Administrators and Candidate Managers can assign tests to students.

Your account must have an active licence or free trial, or available test credits, in order to assign tests to students. Check the Home page of your account to confirm your access.

Related articles:

Choosing the right test 

In order for you to receive the most useful data analytics after testing, it is important that right test level is assigned to each student. You can view the table of recommended year levels for each test form by visiting the page in this support centre for the relevant test. For some of the tests, however, you may have some students who will need a higher or lower test form than is recommended.

You can also preview the tests before assigning them by following the instructions below. 

Previewing the tests

All staff members may preview test forms for purchased assessments.

We encourage all teachers to preview the test forms to understand the content and difficulty of the test questions and to help inform decisions about which tests will be appropriate for students.

To preview tests, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Students
  2. Click 'Tests' menu
  3. Select 'Preview'

Purchased assessments will be listed in the drop-down menu.

These test previews appear exactly as they do for students when they are completing the tests.

Assigning tests to students

To assign tests:

  1. Open the Students page.
  2. Search for and select the students you wish to assign tests to. You will know that students have been selected because their listing turns yellow when the box to the left of their name is ticked.
  3. Click on the Tests drop-down menu at the top left of the main student list and select Assign.
  4. A pop-up box will open with two drop-down boxes next to each other:
    • Click on the test drop down box and select the test you wish to assign.
    • Click on the form drop-down box and select the test form you wish to assign.
  5. As soon as you have selected the form, another set of drop down-boxes will appear and you can follow Step 4 to assign another test form to the selected students. You can assign as many tests as you wish.
  6. Once you have selected all the tests you wish to assign, click on the blue button in the bottom right corner of the pop-up box which reads Assign x tests to x students.
  7. Once this action has been completed by the system, a notification will appear in the top right corner of your screen.
  8. You will be prompted to download the administration instructions and student login details, which should be distributed to students on the day of testing.

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