How to place your International Schools' Assessment (ISA) order


Ordering is completed in your school account, once you have registered for your online school account.


To order:

1. Log in to your ISA school account
2. Go to the Order page

3. Follow the prompts to order

You will need to choose the tests and number of students for each participating grade level.

Once you have submitted your order, a confirmation email will be sent to the ISA School


Guidance on age and grade/year level

Schools should order tests based on the student's ‘named grade’, rather than their age. For example,
students in the year or grade called 'three' should do the Grade 3 test, regardless of their age;
children in the year or grade called 'five' should do the Grade 5 test, and so on.

The exception to this is children in schools using the English National Curriculum. The age of
students in these schools is on average the same as students in the grade below them in other
schools. We therefore recommend that these students sit the ISA tests one grade below their year
level. For example, students in the year or grade ‘four’ should complete the Grade 3 tests.

Note: The ISA uses UNESCO’s classification of grades, the International Standard Classification of
Education (ISCED-97). Grade 3/third grade/year 3 is the third year of the ISCED level 1; grade
7/seventh grade/year 7 is the seventh year, counting from the beginning of ISCED level 1.

Contact the ISA team if you need any guidance on the test levels to order.


Revising orders

Student numbers and other details can be revised up until the closing date for orders. See the tables
on the previous pages for key dates.

The ISA team will send an email reminder to schools shortly before the closing date asking schools
to check and finalise student numbers for each grade level.

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