Scheduling your International Schools' Assessment (ISA) administration and testing


Schools may choose any dates within the test administration period.

Recommended testing schedule

Here is a summary of our recommended testing schedule including how long each test will take. 

Morning 1

Mathematical Literacy Part 1 and 2 (85 minutes, including a 15 minute break)

Writing (Narrative) (Grades 3 to 4 – 50 mins, Grades 5 to 10 – 40 minutes)

Morning 2

Reading (55 minutes)

Writing (Exposition) (Grades 3 to 4 – 50 mins, Grades 5 to 10 – 40 minutes)

Morning 3

Scientific Literacy (55 minutes)


Limited computer and internet access

Where it is not possible to have all grade levels complete a test at the same time due to limited computer and internet access, administer the tests for each learning area over the course of a morning. If more than one day is needed to administer a learning area, stagger the test over consecutive days starting with your lower grades.


Common questions and writing prompts

Students should sit the tests for each learning area at the same time or, if that is not possible, to minimise contact between students. This is important as there are some common questions across grade levels and the writing prompts are the same across all grade levels.

The writing prompts are the same across all grade levels to enable reporting of all tests on the proficiency scale for each learning area. This allows results to be compared across grade levels and from one year to the next.

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