Training and professional learning options

ACER offers a wide range of professional learning and training options to support you in making a real difference in students' learning.

If you would like to discuss any of the following options, please contact us at

Video conferences and school visits

Aimed at educators who are keen to develop and further their knowledge and understanding of PAT or other ACER school assessments. Ideally suited to staff responsible for administering or reporting on assessments, or for implementing teaching and learning strategies informed by assessment results.

Initial consultation (20-minute video conferences)

  • Chat about PAT
  • Chat about other ACER assessments

Cost: Nil

Extended consultation (90-minute video conference)

  • PAT overview
  • Understanding PAT Adaptive
  • Interrogating PAT reports
  • Monitoring PAT learning growth

Cost: $680.00 inc. GST


The half-day and full-day workshops are tailored to your school's needs. Staff can ask questions and discuss with colleagues while looking at your school data in real time, with an ACER presenter available to answer any questions or assist in identifying areas of development.

$1350.00 inc. GST per ACER presenter for half-day workshop (3 hours)
$2680.00 inc. GST per ACER presenter for full-day workshop (6 hours)

Note that all face-to-face school visits will incur travel and accommodation costs in addition to the initial registration fees. For workshop sessions of more than 25 attendees, two ACER presenters are required.

These sessions are priced for individual schools, for more information about group, system, network, or multiple school bookings, please contact the team.

Understanding PAT workshop

This workshop is designed for educators who want to develop their knowledge and understanding of PAT and the Progressive Achievement approach. It provides an overview of PAT implementation in the Maths and Reading domains, from accessing student data to identifying students’ next steps in their learning, in a range of school environments.

See a list of upcoming workshop dates here.

In this highly practical workshop, you will learn how to analyse student assessment data effectively to determine their understanding of key skills and concepts and identify their teaching and learning needs. It is highly recommended that you arrange access to the data in your school’s online account for use in this session to make the learning as relevant and realistic as possible.

Every step of the PAT assessment process will be covered, from tutorials and investigation tasks demonstrating how to access student data, to case studies illustrating simple reporting and data interrogation methods that will help you link data with teaching practice.

The evidence-based, holistic Progressive Achievement approach helps educators monitor student growth and target teaching where it is needed most, and the Understanding PAT workshop will show you how to get the most from your PAT data.

Cost: $440.00 incl. GST (per attendee)

Free webinars

Click the titles below to register your attendance.

All webinars are recorded and are available for registrants following the session, regardless of whether you are able to attend.

Preparing staff and students for assessments

Wednesday, 22 May | 4 pm AEST

This session is going to give general assessment advice and recommendations for both staff and students. This advice will focus on the preparation tasks and communication required and how to set up an effective assessment policy to prepare staff and students for any assessment. We will discuss different recommendations throughout the entire testing process including prior to testing, during the testing period and post testing.

Using PAT data to target, group and identify student learning

Wednesday, 29 May | 4 pm AEST

Interrogating your PAT data is a staple of our Progressive Achievement Approach. In this session we will outline how to target the needs of students by identifying their strengths, weaknesses and gaps within the PAT results data. We will present best practice advice and recommendations on how to interpret the results to inform teaching and learning.

Unpacking ACER’s Adolescent Coping Scale for Schools

Wednesday, 12 June | 4 pm AEST

This session will outline the key features of ACER’s updated online Adolescent Coping Scale for Schools. The session aims to help educators understand how adolescents rate the usage and helpfulness of 20 evidence-based coping strategies and gain insight into student’s coping profiles.

Coping, resilience and fortitude: Supporting adolescents in schools

Thursday, 29 August | 4 pm AEST

This presentation will address the relationship between coping, resilience, and fortitude and how these concepts can be readily translated to provide a resource for educational leaders, teachers, and students to contribute to the wellbeing and thriving of individuals and the community at large.

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