Bands report

The Bands report shows the distribution of students along the relevant PAT scale using students' scale scores. The Bands report is based on scale scores, so it can report on students across forms within an assessment or learning area. The Bands report can be generated for an entire school, a year level or tagged groups of students.

Click here to view a video demonstration on generating Bands reports.

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Generating a Bands report

Follow the steps below to generate reports from the Students page:

  1. Go to the Students page.
  2. Filter and select the students you wish to generate a report for. You can select a student by marking/ticking the checkbox to the left of the student's name, or by clicking Select all students if a filter has been applied.
  3. Click on Generate Report.
  4. Select the assessment to report on from the menu.
  5. Choose Bands Report.
  6. Select the time period to report on from the graph.
    1. You may need to Reset zoom if no results are displayed.
    2. You can click and drag across the chart to highlight and select a date range for the report.
    3. You can manually input a date range using 'From' and 'To'.
    4. You can choose a specific date by clicking on that date’s bar graph.
  7. Click Generate report, and then View report.

Information within the Bands report

The Bands Report shows the distribution of students’ scale scores along the relevant PAT scale. The report is presented as a bar graph, broken down into PAT achievement bands along the scale. There is a different scale and different achievement band descriptions for each PAT test so, for example, PAT Reading and PAT Maths cannot appear in the same Bands Report.

At the left side of the bar graph, the total numbers of reported students are shown broken down into year levels, test forms and tags.


The Bands Report displays historical data, so the tags which appear are not based on students’ current information – they are the tags the students had assigned to them at the time they sat the test. Furthermore, if a student has sat the test more than once within the report time period, details of each test sitting will appear on the report.

Interacting with the Bands report

Hover over an achievement band in the bar graph to see how many reported students (by percentage and number) are located in that band.

Click on any of the achievement bands to zoom into that band. The bar graph will change to a scatter plot. Each dot in the scatter plot represents a test sitting by a student who gained a scale score placing them in that band’s achievement level. Hover your cursor over any dot and the student’s name and scale score will be displayed.

View the data in table form at the base of the report. Run searches by each column to locate further information about specific test sittings in the report. Interacting with this student list will not change the graph.

Click on a student’s name to view their individual report.

Click Band Descriptions at the top right of the report to see detailed achievement band descriptions. In order to make use of the Bands Report as a tool for more effective and targeted differentiation in the classroom, the bands descriptions describe the level of achievement of students in this band.

Tick a box next to a year level, test level or tag to see the subset highlighted in a darker shade on the bar graph.

Click one of the test forms in this report to be taken directly to the Group Report for that test level. The Group Report will contain additional information about the same students and test sittings as included in the Bands Report. Download a batch of individual reports from the drop-down arrow next to each test form.

Click Download at the top right of the report and select Table as Excel file to export the table at the base of the report to Excel. Or select Print table to print the same information. Select Chart as image to download the Bands Report chart. If you have clicked into one of the bands or have highlighted a subset on the left, this is the image which will be exported.

The PAT Teaching Resources Centre link at the top right of the report links directly to the PAT Teaching Resources Centre. If your school has purchased access to the PAT Teaching Resources Centre, you can link to teaching and learning tasks and resources that have been designed to match up with the PAT achievement bands in the Bands Reports. The PAT Teaching Resources Centre can be purchased from the Store.

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