Survey and Questionnaire reports

The below is relevant for the Social-Emotional Wellbeing Survey, the Attitudes and Values Questionnaire and the School Life Questionnaire.

The surveys reports are divided into sections to provide schools with a summary of results across the full survey, and a break-down of results by and individual survey questions (items).

When you generate a report, you will see four menu items on the right-hand side:

Demographic information

This section provides an overview of the demographic details of the group who undertook this survey. This report provides comparisons between year levels as well as males and females (providing each group has at least 10 completed surveys.

Results by domain

This section provides the average percentage agreement for each domain. You can select results for all year levels who undertook the survey or for individual year levels by using the drop-down box. The results can also be filtered by gender by clicking on the group you wish to exclude from the graph.

It is important to note that the levels reported for each domain cannot be compared. For example, you cannot compare the level reported for Conscience with the level reported for Compassion.

Average response distribution by domain

This section produces a report of the average response (strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree) distribution across all items in the defined domain. It can be filtered by year level and gender.

What are your students saying about…?

This section provides the response distributions for a selected survey question by year level and gender. You can select the domain of interest from the drop-down box and then select from the survey questions related to that domain.

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