Creating CogAT test events and assigning tests

A CogAT test event allows you to manage multiple testing sessions. Test events make it easier to organise and manage testing for numerous groups of students within a period of time.

This article provides information on the following steps:


CogAT publisher Riverside Insights has created the following video to demonstrate the process:

Opening the test event and making test assignments

Creating a test event

  1. Navigate to Assessments > Test Events > Create a New Test Event.
  2. Enter details as necessary, ensuring to select the relevant roster. Most options are prefilled, so you do not necessarily need to adjust these.
    • Participant list
    • Roster
    • Date (note that test event is open 30 days before and after nominated date)
    • For the score options, Select All for both (achievement and ability) will give you the greatest flexibility when generating reports.
  3. Click Save once completed.


If you are testing students with a mixture of both the full CogAT and the screener, it is recommended you create two separate test events (one for the screener, one for the full CogAT).

Assigning tests

  1. Click Assessments > Test Assignments.
  2. Click Create/Edit Test Assignment.
  3. Select your required test event
  4. In the Test Group column, select the CogAT form (e.g. complete, screening, post-screening)
    There is no need to change the pre-filled Level and Battery fields.
  5. Click Save once completed.


Assign all batteries and sub-tests at this stage. If you are spreading out the testing across multiple days/sessions, you can still control which tests are completed, and when, by Opening/Closing test sessions as required.

Print student test tickets

These test tickets identify the student login details, which will be needed when the student sits the test.

  1. Click Assessments > Test Assignments.
  2. Click Create/Edit Test Assignment.
  3. Click Test tickets in the Actions column
  4. Cut up the test tickets and distribute them to the students at the beginning of the testing session.


If you do not see the Print testing tickets link in your Actions box, make sure you are creating or editing a test assignment at the school/building or classroom level. Administrators and Account Holders creating or editing assignments at locations higher than buildings do not have the option of printing test tickets from their assignments.

Recommended CogAT levels by student year level

Year level CogAT level
Foundation Level 5/6
Year 1 Level 7
Year 2 Level 8
Year 3 Level 9
Year 4 Level 10
Year 5 Level 11
Year 6 Level12
Year 7/8 Level 13/14
Year 9/10 Level 15/16
Year 11/12 Level 17/18
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