Staff member roles and permissions

Being able to read and analyse test data is a key skill for educators in schools who intend to use the data to inform learning and teaching programs.

While reported data can be exported out of the online system, the flexible and powerful reporting features enable the most effective analysis of test data to occur within the platform.

To make the most of the assessments and resources your school uses, each staff member should be provided access to your account.

The table below outlines the roles and permissions that may be assigned to staff members within your account.


ACER recommends that each staff member who will be assigning or administering the online assessments, or working with the report data, is given their own set of login details for the account.

In most cases, staff members will require at least the Report Generator role, which will allow them to generate reports within the online system. If a staff member also requires the ability to add or edit student details, or to assign tests, they will need to be assigned the additional role of Candidate Manager.

Only staff members who are responsible for purchasing or managing other staff members' access should be assigned the Client Administrator role.

  Client Administrator Candidate Manager and Report Generator Candidate Manager Report Generator
Purchase Yes - - -
Edit account details Yes - - -
Manage staff logins Yes - - -
Edit student details Yes Yes Yes -
View students Yes Yes Yes Yes
Generate reports Yes Yes - Yes
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