What does student progress look like?


Progressive Achievement scales allow teachers to compare student achievement at a point in time, regardless of age or year level.

They also allow teachers to monitor changes in student achievement – learning progress – over time.

Learning progress is gradual and long-term. To monitor learning progress accurately, multiple measurement points, separated by 9-12 months, are recommended.

There is no such thing as an ‘expected growth’ number that can apply to all students each year. We need to consider individual students’ needs and set personal learning targets that are attainable and don’t limit their capabilities.

Typically, younger students and students starting from a lower point in their learning will demonstrate more growth than older students or students who are further along their learning progression.

A student’s developmental path does not follow a straight line; it’s a curve that may have steep sections and plateaus.

Just as all children grow physically at different rates, students will make learning progress at different rates.

Research shows us that individual students of the same age and in the same year level will experience different rates of learning growth at different times.

Many factors impact student learning and progress. Teachers know their students best and understand factors that affect learning and progress. School, home, social and health factors can all have an impact on a student’s progress.

Using Progressive Achievement scale scores and collecting other evidence of student knowledge, skills and understandings, teachers can make informed decisions for next steps in their students’ learning.

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