About the PAT Teaching Resources Centre



ACER has created the PAT Teaching Resources Centre, an online repository of materials, to assist you in delivering effective teaching and learning, linked to students’ assessment data. 

The Teaching Resources Centre provides resources that are targeted to PAT achievement bands, for a growing selection of domains, including Reading, Maths, Spelling Skills, Vocabulary Skills, Science and STEM Contexts.  

The resources have been developed by subject matter experts to support students in consolidating their skills and to take the next steps in their learning journey, allowing you to use results from PAT assessments to meaningfully inform teaching and improve student learning. 

Just as the items in all PAT tests are linked to the Australian Curriculum, the annotated questions and teaching activities in the Teaching Resources Centre are linked to Australian and state curricula.  

Annotated questions can assist you to understand detailed information about each of the PAT assessment items that have been attempted by your students.   

These annotations deconstruct the question, identify required key concepts and explain the steps students may have followed in selecting their responses. The annotated questions can also help you identify possible misconceptions held by students.  

Teaching activities provide targeted resources differentiated to meet the needs of students below, at or beyond the level they are currently achieving at. The activities are designed to be flexible and can be used with the whole class, with small groups or with individual students. 

Many teaching activities contain additional worksheets, printables and projector displays ready to use in classrooms at the touch of a button.  

The Teaching Resources Centre also provides further support for teachers including videos, example questions and explainers, such as the 'Thinking Mathematically’ resources for Maths and the ‘Text Complexity’ content for Reading.  

Resources can be reached from within the Teaching Resources Centre website, where they can be viewed by achievement band or by year level or directly from each of the linear and adaptive reports in your Online Assessment and Reporting System account.  

The PAT Teaching Resources Centre is an additional resource to add to your toolkit when planning for teaching to improve student learning outcomes.

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